
KeyLemon 4.0.3 Facial recognition app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

KeyLemon Abstract:

KeyLemon is a trial face recognition application that's attractive, well-designed and fun.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Well-organized and appealing interface - Screenshot of KeyLemon
Well-organized and appealing interface.
Screenshot of KeyLemon - 2404px · 1724px
Extra means of security - Screenshot of KeyLemon
Extra means of security.
Screenshot of KeyLemon - 1532px · 1528px
Alternative authentication method - Screenshot of KeyLemon
Alternative authentication method.
Screenshot of KeyLemon - 2404px · 1724px
Keep predators at bay - Screenshot of KeyLemon
Keep predators at bay.
Screenshot of KeyLemon - 2404px · 1724px